Monday, July 29, 2019

California Mid-State Fair Series PART II: Yoga Movement for the Fair - THIRD EYE & CROWN CHAKRA


Today is a day to recover from all the fair activity, though we hope you stayed nice and balanced feeling following our blog suggestions over the past couple weeks!

We recommend coming in for some PALO SANTO sticks or incense to help you feel grounded and calm after your fair experience.  PALO SANTO is a great scent for meditation, which is our asana focus today.

There are two asana/postures that are particularly supportive of a meditation practice.

Vajrasana, or "Thunderbolt Pose", and Ardha Padmasana, or "Half Lotus Pose".

Image result for vajrasana
Vajrasana - Thunderbolt Pose

Kneel to the floor with the toes and knees touching, gently sitting on your heels. Let the tops of the toes lay flat on the floor, ideally all ten toes are supported and can relax to spread.  Keeping the big toes touching, open the knees apart about as wide as your fist (4 inches). Hands go to the knees with straight arms.  Let the tail bone drop toward the floor as the crown of the head lengthens upward.  Use a cushion underneath your tail if the knees feel too stretched here.

Image result for Ardha Padmasana

Sit cross legged, "Indian style".  Using your hands, bring one foot up to rest on the opposing upper thigh, or wherever it will rest comfortably on your leg.  Like the last posture, let the tail bone drop toward the floor while the crown of the head lengthens upward.  Shoulder blades sink down the back as the heart opens toward the front of the room.  There are different hand positions, or mudras, that can be used in this posture.  Use your own inner compass to decide if you'd like to have your hands palms down on your knees, palms up, or a combination of the two.

The traditional mudra for the third eye chakra looks almost like a heart, with only the middle fingers extending, and the other three knuckles pressed together while the thumb pads press against each other,  like this:

Kalesvara Mudra

The traditional mudra for the crown chakra looks like this:

Akash Mudra

There are many great guided mediation resources online if you're not sure where to start.  Let your breath be your guide.

Interested in a mediation group or class here at EarthTones?  Make sure we know!

Sunday, July 28, 2019

California Mid-State Fair Series PART II: Yoga Movement for the Fair -THROAT CHAKRA

Part II of  THROAT CHAKRA: Asana

Last week, we talked about this energy center being all about communication and connection.

We also provided an asana suggestion, but here's another for you because communication and connection are so important!

Bhujangasana: "Cobra Pose"

See video below:

Make sure to keep your gaze directly in front of you.  There's no need to overstretch the neck/throat here.  In this posture, the throat chakra is already opening up!

Opportunities for Communicating and Connecting
on the LAST DAY of the Mid-State Fair Today

Do you have any good stories from your fair experiences this year?
 Why not work on this throat chakra by telling someone at the fair?
We dare you.  Tell someone your good fair story today.

Another good throat chakra exercise would be cheering people on!

At 6pm there is the Watermelon Eating Contest
at the Headliner Stage

The big Monster Truck show is happening at the same time.

Try using that voice of yours at the Island Stage in the Quad
where you can sing Karaoke at 9pm!

Saturday, July 27, 2019

California Mid-State Fair Series PART II: Yoga Movement for the Fair - HEART CHAKRA

Part II of HEART CHAKRA: Asana

While it's obvious this chakra is related to matters of the heart, it is also about taking risks, being brave and opening up. 

Many yoga postures are referred to as "heart openers" and are focused on opening the front of the chest space.  Today we'd like to encourage a more calming posture, opening (expanding) the backside of the heart space instead.

Uttanasana, otherwise referred to as, "Standing Forward Bend".

Starting from Tadasana (yesterday's standing pose!), place the hands on the hips and fold over from the hip joints, not the waist!  You may find your hamstrings tight and keeping you from folding over as far as this man in the photo above; that's ok!  Right now we aren't focusing on the hamstrings but opening the upper back in this hanging position.  

Lengthen the front torso as you fold - from pelvis to sternum imagine the torso growing longer.  

If possible, rest your palms on the floor, or grab a hold of your ankles.  If that's not an option for you at this time, try holding on to your elbows and hanging in that way.

Activity press your heels into the floor.  Aim the hamstrings toward the back wall behind you, lifting the hips up towards the sky.

From Yoga Journal: 

With each inhalation in the pose, lift and lengthen the front torso just slightly; with each exhalation release a little more fully into the forward bend. In this way the torso oscillates almost imperceptibly with the breath.

Let your head hang from the root of the neck, which is deep in the upper back, between the shoulder blades.

This space between the shoulder blades, referenced above, is located in your heart chakra.  
Allow the lengthening release of the neck from this space between the shoulder blades.  Feel the expansion on the backside of your heart space.  


When you're ready to come up, place your hands on your hips again.  Press the feet down into the floor and come up again from the hips, instead of the upper back.  You may wish to bend your knees as you're doing this for support.

How about some light tapping on your chest, like Tarzan, ready to be brave!

Fearless Choices for the Fair Today

Go watch the brave animals and humans alike at the Rodeo!
Starting at 8am at the Hearst Equestrian Center

Take a risk by entering a contest for tickets to the Monterrey Bay Aquarium
Noon in the Quad

What about viewing the Strongest Man & Woman competition?
4pm on the Headliner Stage

Carnival Rides
Free Live Music
Adventurous Food

The fair is a great place to be risky and brave.

Friday, July 26, 2019

California Mid-State Fair Series PART II: Yoga Movement for the Fair - SOLAR PLEXUS CHAKRA


From last week: "when this chakra is feeling comfortable, relaxed and flowing along, we are beaming with pride and celebratory feelings."

The solar plexus chakra is our space of empowerment, pride, and confidence.

Today, let's feel strong and confident in Tadasana, or "Mountain Pose".

The following video gives a wonderful demonstration:

Did you realize there could be so much to standing in a thoughtful way?  We hope you practiced this posture so you can feel empowered in it.  What a gift!

Empowering Fair Activities Today

4pm- Hands-On Horse Activities
Feel the power of a horse!
Gallop over to Equestrian Row

6:30pm & again at 8:30pm
Listen and dance to the music of a truly empowered legend.
This band is known as one of the world's greatest tribute bands.
Strut your stuff over to the Frontier Stage

Thursday, July 25, 2019

California Mid-State Fair Series PART II: Yoga Movement for the Fair - SACRAL CHAKRA

Part II of  SACRAL CHAKRA: Asana

A refresher from last week; our sacral chakra is an energy center located below the naval and is associated with the qualities of creativity, exploring your senses, and play.

A great posture for connecting with this chakra space is Balasana, or "Child's Pose."

We are choosing this asana (posture) for two reasons: 1) while in this posture you can really feel into your sacral space- front, back, and sides.  2) the posture is called "Child's Pose" which is in alignment with the description of the sacral chakra's focus on creativity, exploration and play.

CAUTION: Please be mindful if you have had any knee injury.  If you have pain, you'll have to do some variation that achieves the same effect (give us a call! We have ideas! 805-238-4413).
Mary has a 9am yoga class here at EarthTones every Sunday that would be a wonderful place to practice, play, and ask questions.

Balasana instructions: 

Start on your hands and knees.  

Touch the toes together and open the knees out slightly - you're making room for your torso in this way.

Inhale and let your belly drop toward the floor, feeling the expansion of the low belly and the lower back behind you (sacral chakra).

Exhale, using the palms of your hands on the floor, push yourself back so that your bottom rests on your heels, your chest comes toward the tops of your thighs, and your forehead to the floor (or resting on a block for added height).  Keep the arms (extended now) palms down, pressing down gently to keep your hips back toward your heels.  If this feels too tight on your hips, play with bringing the knees closer together.

Close the eyes.

Each inhale, continue to feel the expansion of the low belly, towards the tops of your thighs now, the lower back, inflating behind you, and the lower side body, expanding left and right. 

Exhale, and that all releases back toward the center of your spine.

Continue breathing in this way, really stretching and expanding the low torso (sacral area) with your breath.

** Knee problems?  While still on Step 1 (hands and knees) place a tall cushion, or block, at your feet.  When you exhale back, sit on this cushion.  The cushion should be a taller height than your heels would be, and will therefore make less stretch in your knee.  

Playful Opportunities at the Fair Today

Kids with you?
Arts and Crafts are at 1pm
at the Frontier Pavilion.

Zoo to You will share their amazing animal friends at 3pm on the Headliner Stage.

Dance to the Mark Adams Band
at the FREE Mission Stage - 7pm.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

California Mid-State Fair Series PART II: Yoga Movement for the Fair - ROOT CHAKRA

Remember how we started off this series, the first day of the fair, with the root chakra?  We were hoping to start you off this season feeling rooted and grounded.  If you missed the post, or if you're feeling like you need a little grounding again, here's Part II of ROOT CHAKRA.

Part II:  Asana (Yoga Posture)

Image result for savasana

Savasana, or "Corpse Pose."

What better way to feel rooted, slow the system down, and feel in touch with the earth than Savasana. It's incredibly simple and incredibly effective.

Simply, find flat ground to lay on.  You may wish to have a blanket or mat underneath you. 
You want to be on the actual ground; your bed or couch don't count!  

Lay down flat on your back.  If you find the lower back arches and curves in an uncomfortable way here, please place a pillow, rolled up towel, or something with a little height under your knees.  This will help to flatten the lower back arch and provide relief. 

Let the feet be apart and the legs fall open so your toes can gently aim outward in a relaxed way.

Let the arms rest on the floor with space between them and your torso, palms facing up toward the sky.

Allow the belly to rise with each inhale, and come back toward the spine with each exhale.

Notice where you body is making contact with the ground.  Run your attention up and down your body to make note of where you can feel the ground beneath you.

Breathe, letting the belly rise, and on the next exhale, consciously relax these places on your body that are touching the earth.  Trust that the ground is holding you up and that you don't need to use your own muscles to do so.  Let yourself surrender to the floor.

Let yourself be held without effort.
Let yourself feel like you could melt into the ground.
You are safe and supported by the floor.

Do this for a minimum of 5 minutes. 


As mentioned in a previous post, ONYX is a great grounding stone.  BLACK & BROWN TOURMALINE are as well.  You could place a stone next to, or on you, as you lay in Savasana as a reminder that the earth has got your back.

Grounding Fair Activities Today

Hands on Farming at 2pm & 4pm
with Joe Sabol

at the FREE Mission Stage

Noach's voice is earthy and grounding!

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

California Mid-State Fair Series: Chakra Wisdom. DAY 7 - CROWN CHAKRA

(A continuation of our blog series on Chakra Wisdom during the Mid-State Fair, with associated yoga postures -asana).

To enliven the crown chakra, use an Ayurved tool such a Kansa Wand to gentle open and align.


- Express yourself with Violets and Purples today; if not in your clothes, think about accessories, nail polish (?), socks even!  Some of you may not resonate with Purples, so how about the purity of White instead? -

This energy center is located at the very top of our heads; our "crown."  It is the other chakra that is most activated during meditation, prayer, etc.  When this chakra is feeling balanced and happy, we are aware of the interconnection of all things, and experience the feeling of unity.  There is a feeling that is beyond intellect, and simply some type of "knowing" without thought, such as is practiced in meditation.  

Let's let today's focus at the fair 
be one of feeling present and aware.

FRANKINCENSE is an incredibly earthy scent that induces a tranquil state of mind.  When our mind is tranquil we can experience life more fully, with less distractions in our own brain!
*CLEAR QUARTZ, in all it's reflective glory, blocks out negativity and helps to keep our thoughts, (though we're trying to stay present-minded!) pure.  What wonderful tools and an enjoyable mentality to bring to the fair today!

Are you a Senior? 
Lucky you, if so!

Today, fair admission is HALF PRICE for those over 62.

In addition to this discount, the annual SENIOR TEA takes place in the Ponderosa Pavilion at 11am.

Sit and enjoy the YOSEMITE JAZZ BAND play at 3pm in the Mulbeary Park.

At 6pm, go have some laughs watching the PET COSTUME COMPETITION on the Headliner Stage.

And you know what will keep you really mentally staying in the present moment?
on the Headliner Stage.

*Clear Quartz is available in abundance at EarthTones Gifts, Gallery and Healing
1319 Park Street, Paso Robles

Monday, July 22, 2019

California Mid-State Fair Series: Chakra Wisdom. DAY 6 - THIRD EYE CHAKRA

(A continuation of our blog series on Chakra Wisdom during the Mid-State Fair, with associated yoga postures -asana- to follow).

Downward dog illuminates the Third Eye and presents a balance among front and back components of the glands within the brain. Practice today Adho Mukha Svasana after a gentle warm up of shoulders, limbs and chest. Plan for your position and place one or two stacked blocks on the floor beneath where your chin would be. As you go into the pose and grow into it attempt to gently tilt your forehead to the block.


- Go Indigo.-

The energy center of our Third Eye is located in the brain, between the eyebrows and maybe up a smidge, depending on how your eyebrows are situated.  As the name suggests, this chakra is associated with sight in both the literal and metaphorical sense.  This is one of the chakras that is most activated during prayer, visioning, or mediation. 

Monday, after the first fair weekend; how'd you do?
Today would be a great day to practice a little mediation or mindfulness before you head to the fair - or, pick a shady spot and practice there!

We'll give more mediation instruction over the next weekend, but until then:

Find a sprig of JASMINE!
Do you have a candle or perfume with jasmine if you can't find a plant nearby?
We will be on the lookout for a jasmine vine located at the fairgrounds to stand under and breathe.
The scent of jasmine is uplifting and gently stimulating, which are great attributes for starting a new week.  The purple stone SUGILITE is a pleasure to the eyes, but is also know for easing physical discomforts and headache.  For those that may have over-indulged at the fairgrounds, this stone might be nice to have in your pocket as you recalibrate.

Fair Activities Today:

Give your eyes a fun treat by checking out the creations at
 SEW FUN starting at noon in the Frontier Pavilion. 

Have kids with you?
At 2pm in the Ponderosa Pavilion there is VEGGIE ART!
Kids turn colorful fruits and veggies into playful objects of art.

At 4pm you can be marveled by SOMETHING RIDICULOUS JUGGLERS
on the Headliner Stage.

- and finally -

Local blues band CODE BLUES is playing at the Mission Square, 7pm.

To bring it back to the INDIGO color associated with the THIRD EYE CHAKRA,
blues music sounds about right.


Sunday, July 21, 2019

California Mid-State Fair Series: Chakra Wisdom. DAY 5 - THROAT CHAKRA

(A continuation of our blog series on Chakra Wisdom during the Mid-State Fair, with associated yoga postures -asana).

Salamba Sarvangasana

Whether you regularly incorporate Shoulder Stand into your practice or not, use the preparation as part of toning your Throat Chakra. I use blankets to support my shoulders and encourage more space for breathing. As you prepare for the pose keep the neck shoulders and upper back agile. Be breath conscious while maintaining the pose.


- You'll feel good in Denim and Blues.- 

This energy center is located in the throat and is all about communication and connection.  By Sunday your voice may be tired from the cheering, the laughing, and all the connecting you've been doing.  Add a little restoration into your morning routine and keep it comfy today.  You'll want to ensure you have energy to continue connecting and communicating lots at the fair!  GERANIUM oil has a beautiful scent that eases nervous tension, and general tensions around the throat.  This popular scent can be found in many products - check what you already have around your home!  BLUE LACE AGATE is a great stone for supporting the Throat Chakra.   This stone calms nerves, just like the geranium scent, and it also helps to soothe an overactive or overly stimulated mind!
When you're feeling calm it's so much easier to communicate, listen, and connect.


At 8pm KEVIN GRAYBILL will be serenading the Chill Zone.

His vibe is very "chill" - perfect way to close out a Sunday.

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Saturday, July 20, 2019

California Mid-State Fair Series: Chakra Wisdom. DAY 4 - HEART CHAKRA

(A continuation of our blog series on Chakra Wisdom during the Mid-State Fair, with associated yoga postures -asana- to follow).


- Be a breath of fresh air wearing GREEN! -

We bet you can locate this energy center in the body, though keep in mind; the heart space includes the back side of our chest as well (easy to forget).  This chakra is all about taking risks, being brave and opening up.  GREEN AVENTURINE is a great stone to have around; known as a good luck stone of opportunity.  What opportunities might you find at the fair today?  Winning some games?  Meeting new friends, or running into old ones?  The scent of NEROLI encourages confidence, strength, courage and joy.  Spritz some on yourself as you head out the door, ready for the new opportunities to come.

Green Aventurine Stretch Bracelets
available at EarthTones Gifts, Gallery and Healing
1319 Park Street, Paso Robles

Have any kids in your life?
Starting at noon every day of the fair is a fantastic creative opportunity for kids to express their heart through ART!  Head to the Frontier Pavilion to play with the wonderful local Kids Art Smart program.

Want to test your luck in Floral Design?
There's a demo happening in the flower building at 1pm.

Go root people on and/or try your good luck at the 
Cupcake Challenge Public Contest, 6pm.

Make some friends in the audience at the Mission Square
where B & the Hive will be playing at 7pm.  FREE.
She really knows how to keep her Heart Chakra open through song!

Friday, July 19, 2019

California Mid-State Fair Series: Chakra Wisdom. DAY 3 - SOLAR PLEXUS CHAKRA

(A continuation of our blog series on Chakra Wisdom during the Mid-State Fair, with associated yoga postures -asana- to follow).


- It's Friday! Celebrate in Yellow! -

Our third energy center is located at our Solar Plexus: under where the rib-cage meets below the sternum, in that open triangle space where our diaphragm may hide.  Have you ever had your breath taken away?  You probably felt a grip right in this spot!

Friday calls for celebration and when this chakra is feeling comfortable, relaxed and flowing along, we are beaming with pride and celebratory feelings.

Some tangible things to help this chakra get comfortable:

The scent of Mandarin promotes joyful feelings and helps elevate us into a comfortable, happy state.

A stone of abundance; of joy, love, light, opportunities, pride.

Citrine Earrings, Ring, and Tumbled Stones
at EarthTones Gifts, Gallery, and Healing
1319 Park Street, Paso Robles

How can you celebrate at the Fair today?

ARCY LIVE! Spray Paint Demo @ noon
ARCY is known for his unique style of large scale mural art and has been perfecting his craft since 2003. ARCY has performed for The Smithsonian Institute, America’s National Park Service and the Walt Disney Hometown Museum. For more details on ARCY’s work, visit

(We bet he'll use Yellow ...)

Have you ever made butter?
Now's your chance.
3pm at the Rancho Frontier

Dance to the infectiously joyful band
Bear Market Riot, 7pm at the Mission Square

Thursday, July 18, 2019

California Mid-State Fair Series: Chakra Wisdom. DAY 2 - SACRAL CHAKRA

(A continuation of our blog series on Chakra Wisdom during the Mid-State Fair, with associated yoga postures -asana- to follow).


- Play with some Orange colors in your life! -

Our sacral chakra is an energy center located below the naval and is associated with the qualities of creativity, exploring your senses, and play.  What better place to play than at the Fair!  Wear your favorite Tiger's Eye piece to feel fearless and step out of your usual comfort zone: maybe some extra dancing, or carnival rides?  Bergamot is a great scent to encourage awakening your senses, and, in particular, uplifting your sense of joy.  Perhaps diffuse some Bergamot oil in your home as you're getting ready to head out the door.  This can get you attuned with all the pleasures you may find.

Some playful fair pleasures today?  

- Carnival games/rides

- Check out the DAHLIA'S after 3pm in the Flower Building

Image result for orange dahlia

- Free Dancing Opportunities (if you didn't get tickets to Pat Benatar) :

7pm: Monty Mills & the Lucky Horseshoe Band @ Mission Square
- old timey country fun!-
9pm: 80s DJ/Karaoke @ Island Stage - the Quad
9pm: KJUG Country Barn Dance - Headliner Stage

Tiger's Eye Pendant - Feel Fearless!

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Wednesday, July 17, 2019

California Mid-State Fair Series: Chakra Wisdom. DAY 1 - ROOT CHAKRA

Last night was the Full Moon, and here we are starting a new series for you on a fresh new day.

Today is the first day of the California Mid-State Fair, and the first day of this blog series on Chakra Wisdom.  We'll be posting 7 days of Chakra Wisdom for the first 7 days of the fair, and then some associated yoga postures (asanas) for the remaining 5 days.  Use this guide to learn about Mid-State Fair highlights, ways to stay grounded, getting the most out of your fair experience, or; simply, follow along from home or wherever you find yourself.


- Wear your best Red! -

Warm up to fair season, and your chakra system, by activating that root chakra.  This energy center is located at the base of the spine, our "root."  Try some GINGER (also a root) in your food, as a drink, or used as an essential oil to get yourself going.  The spice helps activate your blood flow, energizing you for the day.  We'll be wearing ONYX in our jewelry, with the intention of leaving any negativity at the door, as we start our fair experience off right!  Some fun warm-up fair activities are:  petting zoo and pony rides for kids at the Rancho Frontier (noontime) -and- local favorite Kenny Taylor playing at the free Mission Stage at 7pm!

Sore No More Essential Oil Blend 10ml. (1/3oz.)

PS:  We sell an essential oil blend called "Sore-no-More" (for use blending into lotions, oils, or other topical creams) here at EarthTones.  There is a fair amount  (no pun intended) of GINGER in the blend.  Need a pick-me-up to get you to the fair?  It may do the trick!  Carrier oils sold here as well.

Thursday, May 16, 2019

Thoughtful Thursdays

May Focus on Clutter Clearing

This week, let's start with more journal reflection.  
Get out your journal (don't have one?  We carry some here at our Park Street Paso Robles shop). 

Following Eleanor Brown's definition above, list a physical item, an old idea, a relationship, and habit you are willing to "de-clutter" from your life.  

Next to each item on your list, jot down one small action step can you take to de-clutter each of them.  Your action doesn't need to be dramatic; it can be as simple as making a decision, deleting a phone number, writing yourself a post-it note, looking into support groups, therapies, or books on the matter.  

Take a moment to thank each list item for what it brought to your life, and say "good-bye" while following through with your small action step.

Notice how empowering it feels to come up with some ideas and follow through with a small action!  Close your eyes and allow yourself a moment to really notice the sensation of spaciousness as you just made more room in your life for your own expansion.

Already, transformation has occurred!