Wednesday, July 24, 2019

California Mid-State Fair Series PART II: Yoga Movement for the Fair - ROOT CHAKRA

Remember how we started off this series, the first day of the fair, with the root chakra?  We were hoping to start you off this season feeling rooted and grounded.  If you missed the post, or if you're feeling like you need a little grounding again, here's Part II of ROOT CHAKRA.

Part II:  Asana (Yoga Posture)

Image result for savasana

Savasana, or "Corpse Pose."

What better way to feel rooted, slow the system down, and feel in touch with the earth than Savasana. It's incredibly simple and incredibly effective.

Simply, find flat ground to lay on.  You may wish to have a blanket or mat underneath you. 
You want to be on the actual ground; your bed or couch don't count!  

Lay down flat on your back.  If you find the lower back arches and curves in an uncomfortable way here, please place a pillow, rolled up towel, or something with a little height under your knees.  This will help to flatten the lower back arch and provide relief. 

Let the feet be apart and the legs fall open so your toes can gently aim outward in a relaxed way.

Let the arms rest on the floor with space between them and your torso, palms facing up toward the sky.

Allow the belly to rise with each inhale, and come back toward the spine with each exhale.

Notice where you body is making contact with the ground.  Run your attention up and down your body to make note of where you can feel the ground beneath you.

Breathe, letting the belly rise, and on the next exhale, consciously relax these places on your body that are touching the earth.  Trust that the ground is holding you up and that you don't need to use your own muscles to do so.  Let yourself surrender to the floor.

Let yourself be held without effort.
Let yourself feel like you could melt into the ground.
You are safe and supported by the floor.

Do this for a minimum of 5 minutes. 


As mentioned in a previous post, ONYX is a great grounding stone.  BLACK & BROWN TOURMALINE are as well.  You could place a stone next to, or on you, as you lay in Savasana as a reminder that the earth has got your back.

Grounding Fair Activities Today

Hands on Farming at 2pm & 4pm
with Joe Sabol

at the FREE Mission Stage

Noach's voice is earthy and grounding!

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