Thursday, July 25, 2019

California Mid-State Fair Series PART II: Yoga Movement for the Fair - SACRAL CHAKRA

Part II of  SACRAL CHAKRA: Asana

A refresher from last week; our sacral chakra is an energy center located below the naval and is associated with the qualities of creativity, exploring your senses, and play.

A great posture for connecting with this chakra space is Balasana, or "Child's Pose."

We are choosing this asana (posture) for two reasons: 1) while in this posture you can really feel into your sacral space- front, back, and sides.  2) the posture is called "Child's Pose" which is in alignment with the description of the sacral chakra's focus on creativity, exploration and play.

CAUTION: Please be mindful if you have had any knee injury.  If you have pain, you'll have to do some variation that achieves the same effect (give us a call! We have ideas! 805-238-4413).
Mary has a 9am yoga class here at EarthTones every Sunday that would be a wonderful place to practice, play, and ask questions.

Balasana instructions: 

Start on your hands and knees.  

Touch the toes together and open the knees out slightly - you're making room for your torso in this way.

Inhale and let your belly drop toward the floor, feeling the expansion of the low belly and the lower back behind you (sacral chakra).

Exhale, using the palms of your hands on the floor, push yourself back so that your bottom rests on your heels, your chest comes toward the tops of your thighs, and your forehead to the floor (or resting on a block for added height).  Keep the arms (extended now) palms down, pressing down gently to keep your hips back toward your heels.  If this feels too tight on your hips, play with bringing the knees closer together.

Close the eyes.

Each inhale, continue to feel the expansion of the low belly, towards the tops of your thighs now, the lower back, inflating behind you, and the lower side body, expanding left and right. 

Exhale, and that all releases back toward the center of your spine.

Continue breathing in this way, really stretching and expanding the low torso (sacral area) with your breath.

** Knee problems?  While still on Step 1 (hands and knees) place a tall cushion, or block, at your feet.  When you exhale back, sit on this cushion.  The cushion should be a taller height than your heels would be, and will therefore make less stretch in your knee.  

Playful Opportunities at the Fair Today

Kids with you?
Arts and Crafts are at 1pm
at the Frontier Pavilion.

Zoo to You will share their amazing animal friends at 3pm on the Headliner Stage.

Dance to the Mark Adams Band
at the FREE Mission Stage - 7pm.

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