Today is a day to recover from all the fair activity, though we hope you stayed nice and balanced feeling following our blog suggestions over the past couple weeks!
We recommend coming in for some PALO SANTO sticks or incense to help you feel grounded and calm after your fair experience. PALO SANTO is a great scent for meditation, which is our asana focus today.
There are two asana/postures that are particularly supportive of a meditation practice.
Vajrasana, or "Thunderbolt Pose", and Ardha Padmasana, or "Half Lotus Pose".
Vajrasana - Thunderbolt Pose |
Kneel to the floor with the toes and knees touching, gently sitting on your heels. Let the tops of the toes lay flat on the floor, ideally all ten toes are supported and can relax to spread. Keeping the big toes touching, open the knees apart about as wide as your fist (4 inches). Hands go to the knees with straight arms. Let the tail bone drop toward the floor as the crown of the head lengthens upward. Use a cushion underneath your tail if the knees feel too stretched here.

Sit cross legged, "Indian style". Using your hands, bring one foot up to rest on the opposing upper thigh, or wherever it will rest comfortably on your leg. Like the last posture, let the tail bone drop toward the floor while the crown of the head lengthens upward. Shoulder blades sink down the back as the heart opens toward the front of the room. There are different hand positions, or mudras, that can be used in this posture. Use your own inner compass to decide if you'd like to have your hands palms down on your knees, palms up, or a combination of the two.
The traditional mudra for the third eye chakra looks almost like a heart, with only the middle fingers extending, and the other three knuckles pressed together while the thumb pads press against each other, like this:

The traditional mudra for the crown chakra looks like this:

There are many great guided mediation resources online if you're not sure where to start. Let your breath be your guide.
Interested in a mediation group or class here at EarthTones? Make sure we know!