Thursday, June 21, 2018

Summer Solstice 2018 (21-day at home retreat)

Enlightened Wisdom


As we begin the Summer Solstice - we are in right action, we have the right tools, we bring forth the right inspiration. 

Now to come home to your empowerment. Through the gifts of the 21-day retreat gather we hope you will gather strength by your dedicated effort. Each day a simple 1 simple meditation/inspiration will be shared, 1  movement experience suggested 1 pause in your day (12  noon ) to receive and share energy, and 1  closing moment of surrender. During the 3 weeks, we will bring physical, emotional and mental progress into our lives. 

Feel free to share the forum, your thoughts and use the blog or facebook to move virtual energy. Mostly, be true to yourself and integrate the blessings offered into your life for great good.

Mary Uebersax, Reiki Master
Day 1, June 21st


Having witnessed the sunrise. try to observe how each trajectory of the solar path brings abundance, balance and harmony. What charges us from the sun is a physical healing sensation that brings equilibrium to our cells. 

Energy Exercise:

This day enjoy the progress of energy through your body for at least one time. Bring attention first to your feet and on upward to your crown. Then bring awareness inward to the feelings and sensations of your body. Be still as you maintain a connection with them. 

With patience allow yoursekf to remain silent. Avoid a need to write or snap a picture. As you do this, experience what personal doubts or similar emotions arise. Silence within the body allows the field of your emotions will awaken within your mind. 

Whether or now you have strong or fleeting thoughts, allow the mind to stay without judgement and remain still. This releases spacious awareness to everything that surfaces towards the external self. 

Finally, take six breaths and let them connects with your doubts and stream clarity to the surface. With the breaths, allow hidden struggles to be released.

Allow yourself to bathe in the awareness that has emerged. Sense this again at 12 noon while the Reiki Energy is being channeled. 

End of Day

 Reflect on the Reiki Principles one more time at the end of the day:

Just for today, I will live the attitude of gratitude.
Just for today, I will not worry.
Just for today, I will not anger.
Just for today, I will do my work honestly.
Just for today, I will show love and respect for every living thing.

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