Monday, May 30, 2016

Work a little less

With balance, happiness is the bottom line. We do have to witness what kind of happiness we're looking for and what accompanies it and begin to take note towards manifesting. In my hospice work there is usually time of reflection and sharing of wisdom where the now wise ones summarize regrets. They may even ask or challenge us to be determined to live a life true to self, allow oneself permission to be happier, to heal friendships and relations. Through their experience we come to know the courage it takes to balance, ease expectations and struggle, and let down our guard to heal your emotional life. Death provides the best signpost that of what is involved in "letting go". Hold that thought for a moment. 

Imagine yourself free of suffering stress or some burden. 

Feel and note how that inspires you or shifts your energy. Our passing loved ones have been or are at a turning point with a completely different sense of redemption. But the lesson to "let go" remains the same.

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