Beyond Measure
There is something between man and woman that the five senses cannot find. Listed and there is silence. Smell and taste nothing. Touch emptiness. Eyes have never seen it. Where is its height and width and depth and weight? Words say it is something yet it cannot be measured.
It is given and not earned, received but not taken. It happens to us and for us and with us, yet it cannot be found.
That which cannot be found cannot be lost. Without measure it is beyond measure.
What happens when we share with one another - as all the senses dance, there is vibration or chemistry that is right now how it is. And so, joy can come with the smile, comfort from the togetherness, mirror of life, forgiveness and even the point of disconnect.
Sharing about relationships with Lon on the Camino Santiago we discussed deeply about togetherness in relationship and in our cases marriage. For just so long can you struggle through not attending to the balance necessary to maintain the connection. And sometimes, loneliness and unhappiness becomes evident and a stepping point for liberation.
And to discover parts of you within that relationship, try to find points of connection and work within them, acknowledge and clarify heart energy towards them. We are learning.
(1) Reading and daily commentary on Ray Grigg's The Tao of Relationships: A Guide to Love and Friendship for a New Age. Order your copy at EarthTones.
We are learning, we are growing and relationships regularly provide us with that opportunity for that growth. Thanks for the lovely post, Mary!