Tuesday, May 31, 2016


Not a MysteryIt is called the Tao. Because it is in everything, it is between everything. It is everywhere, in every instant. So it is not a mystery. But search for it and it will be missed. Think about it and there will be confusion.To smell...just breathe. to hear...just listen. To find...just open. So it is that man and woman do not find each other but are found by each other.


Becomes From Within 
Possess and there will be loss. Try and there will be failure. Struggle and there will be defeat. To arrive, unloose. To discover, yield. To trust, empty. To receive, honour. What seems complicated is simple and easily followed because it is not given from without but becomes from within.


Have Each Other As If
That which is kept will be lost. That which is lost will be kept. Have each other as if there cannot be keeping


To Keep the Bond
To keep the bond that is between man and woman, hold it in awe.
Wear it like wind and sea. Embrace it like mountain.


The Boundless Room
No walls and there is no dwelling place. The room that is too small cannot be lived within. It is the emptiness within that must feel comfortable.
The place that houses a man and woman's togetherness must define but not constrict, enclose yet be spacious. In the dwelling of two together, find the boundless room.


The Great Mother is the living vessel of everything. In everything is the living of herself. 
By doing nothing, she permits all things to be. Within her great roundness, the brown and green and creatures flourish of themselves. She herself only is, like a promise to everything, so each thing may do as itself.
Because of the Great Mother, there is a present bond between everything. Round and surrounding, she is the full emptiness in which all takes place. Belonging in everything yet found in nothing, she is the Great Allowing.

When X???%@# Things Happen To Good People

Monday, May 30, 2016

Harmony and Natural Balance (4)

Stillness! Can this produce a fear of stagnation or over bearing energy leaving natural dams difficult for progress and healing? Can the feeling of energy sucked away from us with or without cause leave places either of the universe or another upsetting when we see it. Just the same, the source of of

The gift of the Tao is greater than any gift. How can it be given? Be remaining still when others cannot control their giving; by remaining still when others cannot control their taking.
When there are mountains, water flows away from them. When there are valleys, water flows into them.
It is the moving stillness between man and woman that is their greatest gift to each other. Trust the stillness. Be still together and it will move.

Work a little less

With balance, happiness is the bottom line. We do have to witness what kind of happiness we're looking for and what accompanies it and begin to take note towards manifesting. In my hospice work there is usually time of reflection and sharing of wisdom where the now wise ones summarize regrets. They may even ask or challenge us to be determined to live a life true to self, allow oneself permission to be happier, to heal friendships and relations. Through their experience we come to know the courage it takes to balance, ease expectations and struggle, and let down our guard to heal your emotional life. Death provides the best signpost that of what is involved in "letting go". Hold that thought for a moment. 

Imagine yourself free of suffering stress or some burden. 

Feel and note how that inspires you or shifts your energy. Our passing loved ones have been or are at a turning point with a completely different sense of redemption. But the lesson to "let go" remains the same.

Guidance For New Thinking: Natural Interval Kinetic Education

Guidance For New Thinking: Natural Interval Kinetic Education: T oday's message resurfaces the famous 'ol adage, Just Do It - or as Grigg says in The Tao of Relationships (3) Just Doing. F lo...

Natural Interval Kinetic Education (3)

Today's message resurfaces the famous 'ol adage, Just Do It - or as Grigg says in The Tao of Relationships (3) Just Doing.

Flowing from the mountain to the sea, the stream touches every stone in its path. Rain wets where it falls, from highest to lowest, from hardest to softest, from driest to wettest.
Indiscriminate water. It moistens and nourishes everything. Beyond accepting and rejecting, it is even beyond choosing. No will. No struggle. Just doing.
So what is NIKI (Natural Interval Kinetic Education). It's my term for the process of Just Doing. To both give and receive in our relationships requires us to keep fluid. Go with what is natural and avoid stresses of a rigid plan or structure. This way we can respond in the moment of conscious activity -- and do effortlessly.  If the mindset of the doer /doers can remain centered or pure there is no struggle. Kinetic action is happening and fulfilling. And, at the same time action produces great nourishment.

We can sync our attitudes and mindset towards a common goal but these will change (dry, wet, high, low), regardless they WILL change. So when that happens consider it an "interval". As with conditioning intervals create momentum and can give fresh perspective of aptitude and outcome. It move us away from stacking up resentments or burnout. This creates more desire to work on the goal.

When we sign up for something or join efforts consider the flow of these dancers. They learned about the flow of elements working alone and together and then trained themselves reaching new skills and honing equanimity. Thus through a process like NIKI they reached that flow when the need arose, the performance or coming together challenged them.

Saturday, May 28, 2016

Senses -Our Poles of Understanding

From this poetic celebration of relationships(1) we remember that looking for something is obtuse when it is right in the moment here. A relationship will change, morph and separate. But the senses are measurable and predictable. We can ask for the same dose of a aroma, we can add cinnamon in a predictable measuring spoon and we can adjust the volume of life to interact with our ears. 

Beyond Measure
There is something between man and woman that the five senses cannot find. Listed and there is silence. Smell and taste nothing. Touch emptiness. Eyes have never seen it. Where is its height and width and depth and weight? Words say it is something yet it cannot be measured.
It is given and not earned, received but not taken. It happens to us and for us and with us, yet it cannot be found.
That which cannot be found cannot be lost. Without measure it is beyond measure.

What happens when we share with one another - as all the senses dance, there is vibration or chemistry that is right now how it is. And so, joy can come with the smile, comfort from the togetherness, mirror of life, forgiveness and even the point of disconnect.

Sharing about relationships with Lon on the Camino Santiago we discussed deeply about togetherness in relationship and in our cases marriage. For just so long can you struggle through not attending to the balance necessary to maintain the connection. And sometimes, loneliness and unhappiness becomes evident and a stepping point for liberation.

And to discover parts of you within that relationship, try to find points of connection and work within them, acknowledge and clarify heart energy towards them. We are learning.

(1) Reading and daily commentary on Ray Grigg's The Tao of Relationships: A Guide to Love and Friendship for a New Age. Order your copy at EarthTones.

Friday, May 27, 2016

To Friends: Guidance For Modern Life 1


I begin a journey using The Tao of Relationships, Ray Grigg. This will share what is in my heart for You.

Practicing for NowWater does not flow upward to the mountain's separating but downward to the sea's joining. Man and woman are the downward course of each other. Flow with each other and move together ever downward toward the sea's joining. Be moved, be carried, be taken willingly by the primal urge. It is infallible. From the very beginning it has been practicing for now.

So you find yourself in a space aligned with a support system based on who you were longing to be with. And they too. Our friends, family partners and close "tribe" give us in the present what our deepest thoughts, dreams and desires were "practicing" for. 

I get that parts or elements of our hearts, our bodies and even our day's energies feel mis-aligned. We can struggle into that and churn valuable time and energy to battle. Or we can find the flow in and around the pools and rocks and stresses big and small (aka Excitement) and discover a calm (aka Bliss) here and there. 

If physical or emotional pain comes up for your today, breathe consciously and use water to bring you to more equilibrium. The force of healing will be enhanced.  

Sharing the Vision

We are designed as living beings to find balance, stability, equilibrium! Without that we feel unsteady and loose the feeling of being upright.
  1. Our cells, fascia and bones interweave until balance is reached. 
  2. Our relationships shift the elements to find harmony in good, safe and loving ways.
  3. The Earth gives and takes to achieve optimal growth through Krebs Cycle.
  4. Sustaining balance relies on social, economic and environmental well-being

Drepung Gomang Monks Blessing of Waters Near Marine Santuary, SLO

This pages explores our expression and tools for thoroughly embraced that Inner and Outer Ecology. I have been deliberate in my education, profession and creative expressions to explore these issues in Massage Therapy, Yoga, International Health, and Intuitive Guidance. Here, I'd like to share this ongoing Passion. 

Please enjoy, laugh, discover and dialogue. We grow Our Global Future in Balance together.

Continue in Peace,